Impacting our communities through education, application and direct intervention.
We believe, as followers of Christ, we are called to "Do." The "Doing" part of our faith and beliefs is exhibited in the ministries below. We believe that ministries are a God-given calling. The ministries out-lined below are grown out of our love and belief in God, family and community.

Special Needs Centre
We believe that all children are made perfect just the way they are; however, some are born with more unique challenges or needs. We are called to help those in need. We are privileged to be a part of this ministry that serves these uniquely blessed children. We have blessed to call this place home since September 2022. We are renting currently but are still in the hunt for a larger facility. The current one limits our capacity for expansion of our ministry. We are blessed to have this one, and it feels like home.

Special Needs Centre